Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Wiki

For the 2005 version, see Grandpa Joe.
"What she wants is a good kick in the pants."
— Joe regarding Veruca Salt

Grandpa Joe is Charlie's grandfather from the 1971 film, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, played by the late Jack Albertson.


He is the father of Helen Bucket.


He decides to give up smoking to assist the family with finances.


  • "Yes, strange, Charlie, but it's fun! Ha, ha!" (during the boat ride)
  • "You're a crook... You're a cheat and a swindler! That's what you are! How can you do a thing like this?! Build up a little boy's hopes, and then smash all his dreams to pieces?! You're an inhuman monster!" (to Willy Wonka)


  • In the original book, he was the father of Charlie's father, not Helen.
  • He has coke nails for some reason.
  • There is a very active Subreddit dedicated to hating all incarnations of Grandpa Joe, r/grandpajoehate One reason is because he was bedridden for 20 years, but is able to walk, making people think of him as a selfish lazy freeloader. However, in Joe's defense, he didn't know his body was more capable than it seemed because he underestimated himself, and he still struggled a bit and needed a cane for a while. His decision to have him and Charlie drink Wonka's Fizzy Lifting drinks is also criticized, as it nearly gets Charlie killed, although his ulterior motivation was to make Charlie enjoy his time in the factory more. Still, he tries to hide what happened from Wonka.

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Golden Ticket winners

Augustus Gloop (1971)
Veruca Salt (1971)
Violet Beauregarde (1971)
Mike Teavee (1971)
Charlie Bucket (1971)


GLOOP: Mrs. Gloop (1971) • Mr. Gloop (1971)
SALT: Rupert Salt (1971) • Angina Salt
BEAUREGARDE: Scarlett BeauregardeSam Beauregarde
TEAVEE: Norman TeaveeLucy Teavee (1971)
BUCKET: Grandpa Joe (1971) • Helen BucketWilliam BucketGrandma JosephineGrandpa GeorgeGrandma Georgina
WONKA: Willy Wonka (19712023) • Wilbur WonkaMamma

Other characters
Arthur SlugworthFickelgruberLoftyMr. TurkentineMr. WilkinsonNoodleOompa-LoompaPrince PondicherryProdnoseThe Shopkeeper