Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Wiki

Panorama of the Inventing Room.

The Inventing Room is Willy Wonka's favourite and most secret room. It holds all of his newest inventions and candy that still needs testing, examples being the Everlasting Gobstoppers, Hair Toffee, and the Three Course Dinner Chewing Gum.

The room is a gigantic laboratory filled with machines that create candy, most notably the Gum Machine. Above the room, a giant catwalk allows the Oompa-Loompas to traverse atop the machines, accessing the controls of many machines and the room as a whole.

The Inventing Room plays a major role in Violet Beauregarde's downfall, as this is where she falls victim to the Three Course Dinner Chewing Gum, blowing up into a giant ten-foot blueberry.


The Inventing Room contains an array of machines, but Wonka shows the tour group 3 of them

A large tank of water has pipes depositing Everlasting Gobstoppers, with Oompa Loompas swimming in the tank collecting them. The purpose for the tank is unknown, and it's not even confirmed if the liquid in the tank is even water.

Presumably a machine is used to create Hair Toffee, but it is not shown.

The Gum Machine is the most prominent machine, as it leads to Violets downfall. The Oompa Loompas create the gum for Violet, who begins to chew it straight away. When Violet reaches the blueberry pie, she begins to turn blue and fill up with blueberry juice, causing her to swell up. Violet balloons up to an extraordinary size and becomes completely round, resembling a huge blueberry. Due to her enormous size and roundness, Violet is unable to move, and has to be rolled out of the room by a team of Oompa Loompas. The Oompa Loompas roll Violet on to the Candy Boat (yes, we don't know how she fit on it either) and take her along to the Juicing Room to be squeezed. Violet is not seen until she is leaving the factory; she has been deflated but is still blue all over. She is also extremely flexible.
