Mr. Prodnose, known as Gerald Prodnose in Wonka (2023), is one of Mr. Wonka's rivals who steals one of his recipes to recreate his products for their own candy shops.
2005 film[]
While Wonka's booming business created a shadow over him and other confectioners, Mr. Prodnose, and other confectioners, began to use industrial espionage to steal Wonka's recipes. They would send spies to Wonka's factory to pose as people seeking work, and while working, they stole his recipes. Prodnose stole the chewing gum which never lost its flavor.
2023 film[]
He is a major antagonist, along with Fickelgruber and Arthur Slugworth.
External links[]
Characters |
Golden Ticket winners
Augustus Gloop (1971) Families
GLOOP: Mrs. Gloop (1971) • Mr. Gloop (1971) Other characters Arthur Slugworth • Fickelgruber • Lofty • Mr. Turkentine • Mr. Wilkinson • Noodle • Oompa-Loompa • Prince Pondicherry • Prodnose • The Shopkeeper