The Puppet Hospital and Burn Centre is the room where some of the puppets
from Wonka's Welcome Song are repaired.
2005 film[]
Wonka shows them the Puppet Hospital and Burn Centre where the Oompa Loompas are busy taking the burned puppets and putting them in gurneys to be repaired. Wonka then adds, "It's...relatively new."
11/15/2024 Update
the dolls names are:
- john
- limey
- arian
- arco
- scarlet
- nory
- exe
- matty
- sam
- vron
- taliety
- mam
- daniel
- dion
- isebella
- John
- ryan
- elizabeth
- arthur
- sil
- johnny
- nokman
- vam
- madison
- Julie
- thomas