Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Wiki

"Don't talk to me about contracts, Wonka, I use them myself. They're strictly for suckers."
— Sam hesitant to sign Wonka's form

Sam Beauregarde is Violet's father from the 1971 film, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, played by the late Leonard Stone. In the 2005 film, Violet goes with her mother, Scarlett Beauregarde, instead.


He is said to be a well-known local politician, a civic leader, a philosopher, and is shown to be a used car salesman.

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Golden Ticket winners

Augustus Gloop (1971)
Veruca Salt (1971)
Violet Beauregarde (1971)
Mike Teavee (1971)
Charlie Bucket (1971)


GLOOP: Mrs. Gloop (1971) • Mr. Gloop (1971)
SALT: Rupert Salt (1971) • Angina Salt
BEAUREGARDE: Scarlett BeauregardeSam Beauregarde
TEAVEE: Norman TeaveeLucy Teavee (1971)
BUCKET: Grandpa Joe (1971) • Helen BucketWilliam BucketGrandma JosephineGrandpa GeorgeGrandma Georgina
WONKA: Willy Wonka (19712023) • Wilbur WonkaMamma

Other characters
Arthur SlugworthFickelgruberLoftyMr. TurkentineMr. WilkinsonNoodleOompa-LoompaPrince PondicherryProdnoseThe Shopkeeper