Violet’s nose turns blue.
Violet touches her nose in confusion.
Violet cringes as she sees that her hand is turning blue.
Violet continues to stare at her hand as everyone else backs away from her in fear.
Violet stares at her hand as her blueberry transformation starts.
The last of her powder-blue tracksuit is stained a rich purple.
We see Violet's half swollen butt.
Violet's butt grows and she turns to look at it
Violet's belly has become enormous
Violet's face being affected.
Violet's height increases.
Violet almost completely spherical.
Violet after her inflation is finished
Oompa Loompas playfully roll Violet
Violet's face as she's being rolled
Violet being rolled away.
The final shot of blueberry Violet before she is rolled into the juicing room.